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Sydney Marathon X Singapore Runners Shakeout Run
Registration and Indemnity Form

Join us for a short and easy 5km shakeout run on Saturday, 16 September 2023!

Whether you are a participant of the Sydney Marathon presented by ASICS or just residing in the city, you are welcome to join us for this event.

First 20 participants to register for the event will be given an ASICS top courtesy of ASICS Australia, limited sizes only. Please indicate your size preferences below.

Meeting Time: 7.00am
Meeting Venue: Paramount Coffee Project, 80 Commonwealth Street Surry Hills

Programme Rundown

07.00am - Intro by Melvin Wong, Sydney Marathon Ambassador
07.05am - Sydney Welcome by James Constantine, Pont3, Sydney Marathon Rep
07.10am - Warm-up by David Shum, Run Coach, Singapore Runners Club Hustlers
07.15am - Start of Shakeout Run led by Keith "Buzz" Hong
08.00am - Coffee & Mingle @ Paramount Coffee Project
09.00am - Depart for Race Pack Collection @ Race EXPO "Sydney Marathon Running Show"


In consideration of participating in any way in the program, related events and activities, and use of equipment, I the undersigned, acknowledge, appreciate and agree that:


1. The risk from the activities involved in this program is significant, including and without limitation injury from slipping and falling, excess fatigue and stress, muscle strain, the potential for permanent paralysis and death or from any unforeseen cause.


2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation.


3. I represent, warrant and agree that I am in good physical condition and I have no disability, impairment, or ailment that will prevent me from engaging in active or passive exercise or that should be detrimental to my health, safety, comfort or physical condition should I engage in active or passive exercise.


4. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the trainers and event organisers of any pain experienced before, during or after participating in the exercise program so that the exercise may be immediately terminated.


5. I hereby fully and forever release, relinquish, acquit and discharge trainers and organisers, Sport Plus Media Pte Ltd, Pont3 Pty Ltd, as well as any owners, managers, employees, or agents (collectively, "Released Parties"), from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action and rights (whether known, unknown, contingent, accrued, inchoate, or otherwise) which participants may have against trainers and event organisers, or other Released Parties arising out of or relating to trainers and event organisers' passive or active negligence.


By signing below, I hereby grant and convey to Sport Plus Media Pte Ltd all right, title and interest in and to record my name, image, voice, or statements including any and all photographic images and video or audio recordings made by Sport Plus Media Pte Ltd during this event / program.

Thanks for submitting!

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