Led by 25 leading athletes and key opinion leaders, Singapore's leading isotonic brand reminds cycling community about the importance of hydration amidst performance

Singapore, 13 May 2024 - Led by 25 leading athletes and key opinion leaders, many of whom are prominent cyclists in the community, 100PLUS Singapore's presence at this year's 2024 OCBC Cycle event could not be ignored, with Team 100PLUS and Friends of 100PLUS making plenty of noise all over social media and on the roads in the early morning of 12 May.
In the lead up to Singapore's largest mass cycling event this year, 100PLUS had engaged with close to 80 key opinion leaders as part of outreach efforts to share about the event and plans to deepen its relationship with athletes and active individuals alike by educating them on the importance of nutrition and hydration.

The result and impact was significant with a multitude of OCBC Cycle participants reaching out for 100PLUS Active as their choice hydration during their rides at the 20km and 30km markers of the Sportive 40km, Brompton 40km Foldie Ride and Straits Times 20km City Ride events.
Earlier this year, 100PLUS had launched its first ever brand ambassadors program with the help of Sport Plus Media Pte Ltd, a muti-platform digital story media agency and sports news company, in efforts to reach a wider spectrum of the sporting community both locally and regionally.

Comprising high performance athletes and national athletes, as well as content creators who are active individuals across 10 sports, Team 100PLUS was joined by even more athletes from the Friends of 100PLUS team, as we continue to see a rise in demand for sports participation at mass events.

Speaking to SportPlus.sg, program leader and Team 100PLUS athlete John Yeong shared the importance of building quality relationships amidst efforts to help 100PLUS increase brand awareness with various sporting communities.

"We believe there is plenty of room for improvement in our efforts to reach more of the sporting community to spread the message of good nutrition and hydration strategies. While data shows that there are more out there post Covid who are adopting active lifestyles, there is a lack of knowledge on the importance of nutrition to support training and an athlete's lifestyle."

Cycling, being one of the most popular sports in Singapore after running and badminton, has continued to see a rise in its popularity today, and 100PLUS is supporting cyclists in the best possible way at OCBC Cycle by helping them with their hydration and educating them on the best choice of hydration.

Stay tuned for more Team 100PLUS and Friends of 100PLUS coming over the next month, with Spartan Singapore and HYROX Singapore on the horizon.