Find out how you can avoid injuries while working out with useful tips from HAUS Athletics trainer Jo-Yee Tan in this article
HAUS Athletics trainer Jo-Yee Tan presents 3 tips to avoid injuries during a workout.
Injury prevention is a critical aspect of one’s fitness journey, especially for those who keep to a consistent workout routine. Even so, sustaining injuries from workouts can be quite common and is definitely not unheard of.
Some common injuries include muscle pulls, strains, or even bone fractures in more serious cases.
Can these injuries be prevented?
SportPlus SG recently paid a visit to HAUS Athletics, a Singapore-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) gym studio to try out these few easy curated exercises for beginners.
Here are 3 important tips for you to avoid injuries during your workout by HAUS Athletics Trainer, Jo-Yee Tan!
HAUS Athletics instructor, Samson demonstrating a barbell squat. PHOTO: SPORTPLUS.SG
Tip 1: Go slow and build your confidence!
HAUS Athletics instructor, Samson demonstrating a barbell squat. PHOTO: SPORTPLUS.SG
Going slow allows you to build self-confidence especially if you’re a beginner. Confidence plays a huge role in performing well in your workout as it boosts your mood.
Taking a breather while going slow allows you to focus better and clears your mind when you’re performing a rep. Think of it as meditating during your workout.
Tip 2: Listen to your body
Class participant, John Yeong resting between sets. PHOTO: SPORTPLUS.SG
Listening to your body allows you to be in tune with your mind. This way, you’ll be attentive both physically and mentally, and your body will be in its best state to carry out the workouts.
Tip 3: Get lots of rest!
Class participant, Cheryl Tay catching a breather. PHOTO: SPORTPLUS.SG
Getting lots of rest is not something only for beginners. Ensuring that you’re pacing your rest days and getting sufficiently recharged is just as important for non-beginners too.
Resting and recharging are crucial when working out as it allows for full concentration, better mental health, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, an improved mood, and better metabolism.
To find out more about HIIT or to pick up HIIT classes, visit HAUS Athletics at OUE Downtown Gallery Studio, #02-03, 6A Shenton Way, OUE Downtown Gallery, Singapore 068815, or Cross Street Exchange Studio, #B1-121, 18 Cross Street, Cross Street Exchange, Singapore 048423.
More details are available about the gym at their official website here.