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Basics of AcroYoga, and Throne, Forward Plank Poses for beginners

Writer's picture: John YeongJohn Yeong

We walk you through two beginner poses of AcroYoga, and share why you should give this particular yoga discipline a try


What is AcroYoga, how is it different from other yoga disciplines, and why should you give it a try?

AcroYoga has been defined by AcroYoga International as a movement practice that combines the balance of yoga, the fitness of acrobatics, and the healing potential of human connection.


Basics of AcroYoga

The two roles in AcroYoga are base and flyer. While it is more common to have the larger person taking base position, seasoned practitioners are able to base flyers who are significantly larger and heavier than them.

Apart from the base and flyer, a third person, commonly known as the spotter, is usually needed to assist and ensure it is done safely.

The spotter should take a stable stance, and stand next to the flyer and the base, keeping their eyes on them with their hands near the flyer’s hips, being ready to catch him or her if he or she falls.


The Base Test

The Base

The base should start off on his or her back, lifting your feet and stacking them over your hips. This will allow you to keep in steady position when the flyer lifts off.

It is not necessary to keep your legs straight at all points, and the base can bend his or her knees if necessary.


The Flyer

The Flyer should cross his or her forearms and stack them onto the base’s feet, leaning forward when you do so. He or she should make eye contact with the base to establish trust.

Once the Flyer has pressed his or her folded arms into the base’s feet, he or she can lift both legs off the ground.

Jiamin's Tip: The base can straighten both legs into a 90-degree or an L-shape, stacking both feet over the hips for better stability. However, if you have tight hamstrings like John and you can't straighten them, you can try placing a folded blanket or small pillow under your lower back.


Front Plank Pose

This is a beginner pose which improves balance and provides the foundation for more advanced poses.

Flyer reaches forward to clasp your base’s hands. Keeping the arms straight, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your base’s. Press into the ground with your feet to lift off.

Keeping both arms straight as the flyer lifts off, the base should be receiving the flyer with knees bent, gradually straightening both legs, and stacking them over the hips of the flyer.

The flyer should keep his or her core engaged throughout, and remember to point their toes and straighten the legs. If the Flyer is confident, he or she can move both hands backward to complete the bird pose.


Throne Pose

With the base placing his or her head between the ankles of the Flyer coming from behind, wrap both hands around the Flyer's ankles before opening up your hips and bending backwards to place both feet just under the crease of the bum of the Flyer.

The heels of the base should align with the back of the Flyer's bum. Once ready, the flyer should lift both feet up, to allow the base to clasp his or her hands around the underside of the Flyer's feet.


Once ready, the base can straighten his or legs to complete the Seated Throne pose. To come down, follow the above sequence in reverse order.

More advanced practitioners sometimes go beyond the basic throne to a straddle throne or seated throne pose.


To transition into this pose, the Flyers should lean forward to clasp the hands of the base, then twist both ankles inwards to wrap both feet around the inside of the Base's calves. Once stable, sit up into the straddle throne or seated throne.

To find out more about AcroYoga or to pick up AcroYoga lessons, visit Jyan Yoga Studio at 64A Prinsep Street, Singapore 188667.

More details are available about the studio on their official website here.


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