Singapore Cycling Federation’s inaugural Cycle For Hope fund-raising campaign attracts over 1,400 participants with more than S$250,000 raised for the Singapore Cancer Society
(SCS) and SCF’s Children Academy

21 August 2022, Singapore - The Singapore Cycling Federation (SCF) officially launched the Cycle For Hope campaign on 9 July 2022 to raise funds for the Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) and SCF’s Children Academy.
This is the first time SCF is embarking on a fund-raising campaign for both the SCS and SCF’s own Children Academy. 70% of all funds raised through donations would be channelled to the SCS while 30% would go towards developing SCF’s Children Academy and developmental programmes including the construction of a much-awaited new BMX track.
The Cycle For Hope fund-raising campaign commenced with a Cycling Challenge Event (100km, 300km or 500km to be completed indoors and/or outdoors) over a six-week period, between 9 July and 20 August 2022 to create cancer awareness and to raise funds for both its beneficiaries.

Over the course of six weeks, 1438 participants took part in the Cycling Challenge, covering almost 70,000km with more than S$250,000 raised for its beneficiaries.
Corporate Sponsors and Corporate Donors also demonstrated their generous support for the Cycle for Hope fund-raising campaign, contributing over S$94,000 in total.
Corporate Sponsors:
Novartis Singapore Pte Ltd
Singapore Sports Hub Pte Ltd (Venue Partner)
Oakley Sports Marketing (Luxottica SEA Pte Ltd)
Garmin Singapore Pte Ltd
Corporate Donors:
Goldplus Universal Pte Ltd
Curie Oncology
Pinnacle Joint and Sports Centre Pte Ltd
Parsh Marine (S) Pte Ltd
Adult and Child Eye (ACE) Clinic Pte Ltd
Parkway Cancer Society
Novena Cancer Society
Dr D.Y.H. Poon and Associates Medical Oncology Clinic
Fong Shen Maintenance and Engineering Pte Ltd

The Cycling Challenge Event culminated in a Cycling Road Criterium with 101 participants and a Kids’ Race with 85 participants held today at the Singapore Sports Hub.
Prior to the Criterium and Kids’ Race, guest-of-honour, Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport (MOT), together with Dr Hing Siong Chen, President of SCF and other VIPs, participated in the Cycle For Hope exhibition ride.
Dr Hing also presented a cheque to the main beneficiary of Cycle For Hope, the Singapore Cancer Society, represented by CEO, Mr Albert Ching.
“The Singapore Cycling Federation (SCF) has had a long-standing status as an IPC and Charity. This year, we finally embarked on our first ever fund-raising event, “Cycle For Hope 2022”, in collaboration with the Singapore Cancer Society as our main beneficiary.

Today, we are proud to announce that over the past 6 weeks, we have raised over
S$250,000 and more than 1,400 participants and 4 corporate sponsors and 11 corporate donors have joined us in this worthy community campaign.
On behalf of SCF, we would like to thank everyone for their generous support and pledge that SCF will remain committed to developing & delivering sporting excellence and will endeavour to organise more initiatives that would benefit our cycling community,” said Dr Hing Siong Chen, President of SCF.
Novartis Singapore Country President, Ms. Poh Hwee Tee, said, “Individuals and
corporations have all played a part in making this fund-raising campaign a success. This is truly a meaningful collaboration with SCF while enabling us to play a role in supporting SCS. Such partnerships underscore our commitment to supporting community welfare in Singapore.”

“Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) has been actively serving the community for more than 58 years, with the mission of minimising cancer, maximising lives. As a community-based Charity, SCS is dependent on community resources in our work to support the cancer community and our efforts to fight cancer, with the desired outcomes of reduced cancer incidences, improved cancer survival rates and quality of lives of those impacted by cancer.
To reduce cancer incidences, SCS advocates healthy lifestyle and events such as “Cycle for Hope” encourages Singaporeans to do their part to support the cancer community, while staying active. The funds raised will be channeled towards SCS programmes and services, including subsidising cancer treatment cost for needy cancer patients.
Many supporters are needed as SCS strive to “Serve more, Serve better” to ensure holistic support is rendered to help patients cope during their arduous cancer journey and we are thankful to Singapore Cycling Federation for stepping forward in the collective fight against cancer”, said Albert Ching, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Cancer Society.