Kallang Wave Mall based lifestyle studio Neue Fit, which combines fitness with martial arts, celebrated crossing the 4-year mark amidst Covid-19 uncertainty

Finally, after two years, martial arts and fitness studio Neue Fit was able to hold an anniversary event. On Saturday, they celebrated their fourth anniversary with an exclusive members-only challenge.
“After forfeiting two years of anniversary celebrations, I am grateful that we managed to organise a FourFit Challenge where we could get some of our members together," said Grace Huang, co-founder of Neue Fit.

"There are still restrictions in place so we can only host a small number and not have a buffet like we used to, but at least we could do something.”
20 teams of two showed up early on Saturday to compete in a 7-station challenge. These 7 stations consist of a mix of Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing and HIIT – all of Neue Fit’s offerings.

The top four teams then advanced to the semi-finals for another workout, before the last two fought it out for the top spot for amazing prizes. The overall winning team wins a $500 voucher from New Balance, amid other prizes from Hyperfly Asia and Whiteknuckle Custom Fight Gear.
It was an all-female final and gym buddies Khairiyah Kang and Natasha Hazirah emerged champion after edging Mavis Chia and Fong Xue Qi out by just 6 seconds.

“My partner Natasha and I met at a HIIT class in Neue Fit and we have been going for classes together. We are both pretty competitive, hence we signed up for this challenge.
We didn’t think we would win because we have done classes with other competitors and thought it would be tough to match up to them,” said Khairiyah.
“We are very surprised but ultimately, win or lose, it was an enjoyable event for everyone to celebrate Neue Fit’s anniversary and it brought everyone together.”
Another all-girl team, Heeqmah Wahianuar and Peggy Teo, were the top female pair outside of the Top 3, snagging themselves a pair of New Balance shoes each.

Similarly, they met at a MuayHIIT class at Neue Fit and have been going for classes regularly. “We signed up for this because we thought we would do something different at the gym and also Peggy said she needed new shoes,” said Heeqmah.
“We definitely didn't expect anything out of this because we know the female category has really awesome and fit individuals. We were just happy with our team name and would have settled for best team name prize!”