Masters runner Paul Martin may have run the world over, but he still has several running goals to accomplish in the next 3 years

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Name: Paul Martin
Instagram: @thepaulmartin
TikTok: @metro_paul
Sport: Running, Fitness
Favourite 100PLUS Drink: 100PLUS PRO

Is there a song that motivates you?
Paul: "Run" by Foo Fighters. When the song comes on, I just feel like running.
What is the proudest accomplishment in your life?
Paul: Representing Singapore in the Asian Masters Track and Field in the 1,500m and 800m.

In the next 3 years how would you like to grow and what would you like to learn?
Paul: In the next 3 years I would like to conquer the marathon many many times over, and hopefully conquer a few World Majors, especially the New York marathon.

At what point in your life would you say was your greatest breakthrough?
Paul: I think I finally hit sub 9-minutes in the 2.4km a couple of years ago, after many years of trying.
Favourite hobby outside of sports?
Paul: Video games, I guess? FIFA.