Get Useful Coaching Tips for the upcoming ASICS META: Time: Trials 10KM Road Race in Malaysia with Shah Feroz, Head Coach of ASICS Running Club Singapore

Taking on the ASICS META: Time: Trials Malaysia and looking to improve on your 10KM road race timing?
Whether you are attempting your first 10KM or your tenth, we share some useful tips from ASICS Running Club Head Coach and athlete Shah Feroz to help you in planning your own training program while gearing up for your next 10KM road race.
What runs should we incorporate when training for a 10KM road race?
Feroz: Throughout the whole week, you need to have three main runs. The first would be tempo run, followed by fartlek, and an easy long run.
What are tempo runs, and how do we gauge for pace?
Feroz: Tempo runs are basically runs down at a medium pace, or medium effort I would say. If we talk about out of 10 effort, it's running at around 7 to 8 of your effort level in that aspect.

Is there a specific template or model we need to follow for fartleks in our training program?
Feroz: Fartleks wise you can design your own fartleks. What fartlek actually
means is just speed play. You can play with different speeds. You can play with just two gears, you can play with three to four gears.
When I'm talking about gears, I mean to say like an easy 20 minutes fartlek you can go about your 10km pace, 21km pace, marathon pace or even back down to your 2.4km pace. What pace you choose to play with is really up to you.
What duration or distance should our tempo runs and fartleks be?
Feroz: Your tempo and fartleks is dependent on your long runs. If your long runs is only up to 6KM or 8KM, then your fartlek and tempo has got to be shorter than that. Probably half of it or even two thirds of it.

Stay tuned to and ASICS Singapore Instagram for more useful coaching tips for your next 10KM road race with ASICS and ASICS running club coach Shah Feroz.
Sign up for the ASICS META: Time: Trials Malaysia, happening on Sunday, 19 November 2023 here.