Football freestyler Shaun Tan did not always enjoy success in freestyle competitions, it was only through hard work and resilience that he finally made a name for himself on the streets

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From high performance athletes representing Singapore at the world stage, to some of the most recognisable everyday citizen athlete content creators, Team 100PLUS is set to bring you through another exciting year of sports compeititons and events and inspire you to continue outdoing yourself!
Name: Shaun Tan
Instagram: @shaunye_
TikTok: @shaunye_
Sport: Freestyle Football
Favourite 100PLUS Drink: 100PLUS ACTIVE

Is there a song that motivates you?
Shaun: I listen to a lot of songs in practise, but nothing in specific that stands out where motivation is concerned.
What is one resolution last year that you did not fulfill?
Shaun: One of my resolutions last year was to go overseas to compete more, but there wasn't much chance in the end to do so, so I hope to travel more this year to join more competitions.

Describe your 2023 in a word?
Shaun: "Resilience", because I had to juggle my full time job and also continue with content creation at the side which was really tough.

What do you do more of in 2024?
Shaun: In 2024 I hope to do more video content for football, I hope to reach a wider audience and of course try to win some competitions overseas.
When did you have your biggest breakthrough?
Shaun: My first breakthrough was winning my first competition. Before that there was a lot of competitors both in Singapore as well as in Southeast Asia, the first few competitions I did really poorly and got knocked out in an early stage but when I finally made it, it was through lots of hard work so it was a huge motivation for me to work harder.
Who are the 3 people in your life that you admire?
Shaun: My parents, they sacrified a lot so that I can chase after my dreams, so I'm always very appreciative of that.