Basketball coach Tristan Wee hope to inspire more Singaporeans to pick up a healthy lifestyle be it through basketball or other means available

Meet Team 100PLUS' athletes and digital creators!
From high performance athletes representing Singapore at the world stage, to some of the most recognisable everyday citizen athlete content creators, Team 100PLUS is set to bring you through another exciting year of sports compeititons and events and inspire you to continue outdoing yourself!
Name: Tristan Wee
Instagram: @tristanwee
TikTok: @tristanweee
Sport: Basketball, Fitness
Favourite 100PLUS Drink: 100PLUS PRO

In the next 3 years how do you want to grow and what do you wish to learn?
Tristan: I would like to see the sporting scene in Singapore grow bigger, us bringing in more sports and even expanding our horizons to different countries. I believe that reaching out through not just basketball but events like this, we will be able to help more individuals cultivate a healthy lifestyle.
One word that describes your 2023 and why?
Tristan: "Change", because it was a time where I decided to make a career switch, and also switching from being more strength focused to more running and being lean, right now I'm actually training for a marathon.

If you could relive one moment in your life what would that be?
Tristan: I would be training with my teammates in secondary school. I believe that was one of the high points of my life, where after class we would do everything together from trainings to spending time together. We were a very bonded and tight unit, I remember having the time of my life.

Who are the 3 people you admire in your life?
Tristan: One would be my favourite basketball player Lebron James, the next would be my mom - I love how she takes care of me and is always supportive in what I do, she helps me with my meal prep and makes sure I am well taken care of. The third person would be my dad, he is someone I can always go to for advice not just in life but in sports as well. He was a sportsman when he was younger too, so he is a real role model for me.
What is your favourite hobby outside of sport?
Tristan: Do I have one? laughs Probably sleeping. As a sportsperson our schedules are pretty hectic so I think we need more rest.