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Zubin Muncherji x 100PLUS Active: Crushing My Trainings by Staying Hydrated and Re-energised

Writer: John YeongJohn Yeong

National sprinter and 400m national record holder Zubin Muncherji shares about his hydration regime and why 100PLUS Active is better than water to keep you hydrated


In this 100PLUS Active series, we ask Singapore athletes why it's important to stay hydrated while training or working out and find out what they do for their hydration regimes.

Find out more about national sprinter and 400m national record holder Zubin Muncherji's hydration regime during his trainings and why he thinks staying hydrated is important for pre, during and post workout.

How does 100PLUS Active make you feel after a gruelling workout?

Zubin: So as an athlete, I think hydration is definitely key. You know you can only train as hard as you can recover.

So the first thing, normally right after a hard workout I slam a whole can of 100PLUS just because you lose a lot of salt and electrolytes and simple sugars, which your body needs to recover as fast as possible.

And the fact that it is super cold right after a gruelling workout in this Singapore weather is just fantastic.


How important is it to stay hydrated as an athlete and how often do you rehydrate yourself?

Zubin: Water is great but it's nothing without the electrolytes to go with it. Especially in terms of if you really want to really rehydrate yourselves fully. So for me I try to hydrate at least every one and a half to two hours just to have some water mixed with some form of electrolytes.

I'll sip on it gradually and right after a hard workout I'll crush one whole can. Sometimes two, depends on how hot the day is. But you know especially with the B vitamins it has inside, it also energises me for the next upcoming sets as well.

So besides keeping me hydrated, I'm also like very well fueled in the process as well. And that just keeps me from breaking down and having an awesome workout.


How does 100PLUS Active differ from water in terms of hydration?

Zubin: Number one, water doesn't taste as good. 100PLUS tastes fantastic, that's a big part of it. And I really believe if you like something of course, it's going to be easier to adhere and stick to like your hydration routine.

Number two, water doesn't have all the electrolytes that you need to completely stay hydrated. 100PLUS obviously provides all three of these things. All the electrolytes and B Vitamins to keep you hydrated, energised and also rejuvenated. So definitely better than water.


How do you use 100PLUS Isotonic Powder for your overseas competitions?

Zubin: So I normally have a bag dedicated to just my hydration stack. So I'll have some simple sugars in there, I'll have my 100PLUS electrolytes on the side as well.

So I always keep at least 4-5 packets in between. I have them on me almost 24/7 because right now I am a full-time athlete so I do train multiple times a day and hydration is crucial.


At which points in your training do you feel it is most crucial to hydrate?

Zubin: So for me personally there is no one specific time to hydrate. I think before, during and after is like equally important. Of course after, you want to make sure you're getting the right nutrients for your body to adapt and recover to the really hard workouts.

So if you're looking at it from that aspect, after is probably the most important but I also don't think you should lack on hydrating before or during so that you won't drop in performance.



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